Midlands & East Executive Talent (MEET) Scheme

Please note, this scheme is currently undergoing some re-design work, but we plan to relaunch later in the Summer. If you would like to be added to our distribution list to receive updates, please email us at MEET.scheme@leadershipacademy.nhs.uk

A talent pool of individuals who can be appointed into Executive level positions across the Midlands and East region. Providers can submit an interim vacancy to fill and candidates can apply to join the pool.


  • Benefits of using the MEET Scheme
  • Providers: submit an interim vacancy 
  • Candidates: apply to join the talent pool
  • Additional information 
  • Contact us 

We all have a responsibility to nurture talent and think about how we develop future NHS leaders as part of the NHS Long Term Plan; ultimately building strong and effective Integrated Care Systems. That’s why we’ve created the Midlands and East Executive Talent (MEET) scheme. 

The aim of the scheme is a simple one: we want to develop a diverse talent pool of individuals who can be appointed into Executive level posts in providers across the Midlands and East region, on either a stretch assignment or secondment basis. 

It’s a locally led example of the NHS People Plan. We want to ensure that the pool of people equipped to lead continuously improving teams in the NHS is big enough and diverse enough to fill critical leadership roles. 

We’ve worked closely with the NHS Leadership Academy in the Midlands and East of England, together with NHS Interim Management and Support to develop the scheme and ensure that an appropriate package of support is in place for both providers and candidates. 

Benefits of using the MEET Scheme 

For organisations 

The talent pool contains candidates from a range of disciplines and backgrounds, including: 

  • Directors of Nursing 
  • HR Directors 
  • Chief Operating Officers 
  • Aspire Together Ready Now Aspirant Directors 

Individuals in the talent pool have put themselves forward and undergone an assessment to ensure their suitability for Director level posts. We’ll support you with the matching process to help providers and candidates get the most from a placement. 

The talent pool also: 

  • Provides financial and organisational benefits by reducing reliance on expensive interim staff 
  • Enhances the leadership capability of the region and contributes to a strong talent pipeline – something Chief Executives told us they wanted to see 
  • Provides a source of talent that can be tapped into when relevant opportunities arise 
  • Helps to assure leadership quality into the future 

For candidates 

  • Access to opportunities which can accelerate their progression into substantive leadership roles 
  • Exposure to different organisation environments and a chance to test the limits of existing skills and experience 
  • Receive regular coaching and mentoring as part of the programme to support them throughout the duration of their placement 

Providers: submit an interim vacancy 

If you have an interim vacancy you would like to advertise to the talent pool, please contact your regional Talent team (including ‘MEET Scheme’ in the subject line): 

Advertising through the talent pool doesn’t stop you from recruiting via other routes. We’ll support with screening and matching candidates as part of the scheme. 

Candidates: Apply to join the talent pool 

You should be at Executive level or ready to step up to Executive level for your next career move, for example: 

  • You’re an Executive at a smaller trust, looking to work in a larger one 
  • You’re looking to step up into your first Chief Operating Officer role 

If you’d like to join the talent pool: 

  • Contact your regional Talent team (including ‘MEET Scheme’ in the subject line): [email protected]
  • Set out a bit about yourself and your aspirations 

Upon receipt of your email, you will be sent an application form to complete which will be followed up by a career conversation call to explore whether you are eligible for the scheme. 

Once in the talent pool, you’ll receive regular updates about opportunities and vacancies across the Midlands and East of England. 

Contact us 

To find out more about the MEET Scheme, contact your regional Talent team (including ‘MEET Scheme’ in the subject line):