
Do you have an impactful “Inclusive Talent Management” Strategy?

Head of Midlands Talent Team, Lyndsay Bunting writes about action on inclusion in talent management and how to develop an inclusive talent strategy…

Age is just a number – or is it?

Written as evidence of lived experience for the Building Leadership for Inclusion workstream, Lizzy Stillibrand tells us more about leadership as a young female within the NHS…

Working from home

How Lizzy is finding work from home …

Role modelling flexible working – a personal account

Read a personal account on returning to work after having a baby – and the importance of having a supportive leadership team …

Victorian values

How did Wendy get to where she is today …

Trauma and Recovery – learning to be me again

How Lizzy learnt to be herself again ….

How a car crash saved my life – bending so I don’t break

Find out how an accident changed Naomi’s life …