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Complete Leadership Series – Leading for an Inclusive Culture


This workshop is part of our Complete Leadership Series, leading inclusively and compassionately, to help you target areas of development leaders and managers have identified as top priorities right now.

About the session:

We continue to lead through the challenges of Covid-19 and we know as we move into the winter this year the cost of living crisis will start to be felt by many in the NHS. While living with complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity and volatility compassion for ‘others’ can often be overlooked. Leaders need to think about their role in this changing landscape and how they can support the creation of relationship-based leadership work in the virtual and physical world.

This workshop series is for all leaders. It is about what you ‘do’ as a leader to create a socially inclusive culture and not who you ‘are’ as a leader.

Workshop One: Leading with Cultural Sensitivity

We will explore what ‘otherising’ means, seeking to appreciate difference and understanding bias in all its dimensions and drivers. Taking an appreciative & positive approach we will use various models and tools to support you to use your curiosity, to understand emergent challenges around cross cultural dimensions and how to build a bridge of trust with others, with empathy and sensitivity.

Workshop Two: Leading Inclusively and Appreciatively

We will build on the theme of understanding, to focus on communication and messaging and to be an active catalyst for an inclusive culture. We will explore how to recognise micro-aggressions, how to generate agency, supportiveness and allyship in others and how to be an active bystander through interventions. Developing the courage to lean into difficult situations, developing the skills for adaptive styles of communication and messaging are all themes of this workshop.

Whether it’s about your colleagues, patients, service-users or carers, you’ll learn, as inclusive leaders, how you can lead by example and develop a culture of appreciation for diversity and the challenges of also working in a virtual world.

Each workshop will last for 3.5 hours, with breaks, and we will use a variety of models and break-out techniques for you to explore challenges and barriers and develop a personal plan. This programme is not to teach you about ‘difference’ but to help you to lead with what makes us all unique and stronger together.

Pre-Course Work – to be completed prior to the session

To Watch: Cultural intelligence. Julia Middleton. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izeiRjUMau4&t=5s

To Read: Appreciative Leadership: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316605881_Volume_18_Number_3_Appreciative_Leadership_Responding_Relationally_to_the_Questions_of_Our_Time

Session Dates:

Workshop 1 –  Leading with cultural sensitivity – 9 February 2023 09:30 – 13:00

Workshop 2  –  Leading Inclusively and Appreciatively – 22 March 13:00 – 16:30

Other information:

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions above please register via our Expression of Interest page, this will help us to understand the demand for our programmes and plan accordingly. You will also be notified when we release new dates for this workshop.

If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend, please email midlands@leadershipacademy.nhs.uk

The session will be delivered virtually via zoom

About the facilitators

John Aspden has been a Facilitator, Executive Coach working with healthcare professionals for the past 10 years. John originally trained as a General Nurse, with experience as a senior nurse in Theatres and Intensive Care and as a Mental Health Nurse and with subsequent international sales and marketing roles in medical technology companies. He is a leadership facilitator on both the Rosalind Franklin and Mary Seacole Leadership Academy programmes and a coach and leadership facilitator with the Faculty of Medical Leadership & Management. John adds value by helping people to learn and develop on their ‘edge of comfort’, to stretch past what they thought was possible and not only to develop personally, but also to develop a passion to make a difference within the organisation as leaders. His areas of interest and expertise are around Change Management, Political Astuteness, Resilience, Team-Working and Diversity & Inclusion.

Vikram Millns brings a broad range of skills within business including leadership around strategic & commercial expertise, quality & continuous improvement, employee engagement, Inclusion, and diversity leadership. He brings industry excellence in customer and business development, systems and operations, service and product development, marketing and brand building. He has run extensive online programmes with audiences all over Europe, Middle East and Africa and at technology conferences. He has strong cross-cultural working experience and has lived and worked in India and the UK.

Questions about this event?

Organiser : Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team

Email: midlands@leadershipacademy.nhs.uk