Non-urgent advice: Aimee Nixon

Talent and Leadership Administrator
I joined the team in October 2023 however I started my career in the NHS in 2013 as a Student Nurse. I have worked in both the clinical and community setting. More recently I have been interested in how the wider NHS operates. This started my journey within Health Education England and due to the organisational merger, I had the opportunity to apply for this role within the People, Talent and Culture team.
I hope to bring my clinical experience and knowledge to the team. Also drawing upon skills, I developed during that time such as my skills of organisation, continuous improvement, and advocacy to the team. Supporting colleagues and service users’ health and wellbeing is one of the most important aspects.
Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my family, spending time outdoors and travel. I also have a strong passion for volunteering, currently supporting my local community with a variety of events. Other interests include, health education, health inequalities, and continuous improvement.
Non-urgent advice: Anna O’Kane

Senior Programme Lead
anna.o’[email protected]
I joined the NHS eight years ago following an extensive career in leadership development, learning & development, economic regeneration and business support spanning across both private and public sectors.
Prior to joining the Midlands Talent Team, I was the talent management lead for the East Midlands Leadership Academy supporting organisations and systems to develop talent management practice. Prior to that I led on a range of regional programme areas including Organisational Development, NED and Chair development, Inclusion and Systems Leadership.
My role within the Midlands Talent Team is wide ranging acting as senior operational lead for the team and our work. This includes supporting the career development of aspirant directors, designing and developing programmes and resources for organisations and systems to facilitate best practice talent management approaches as well as supporting and leading on national talent management initiatives.
In my spare time, I enjoy long walks in the countryside with my two very energetic rescue border collies, music, books and wherever possible, travelling the world.
Non-urgent advice: Dawn Simmonds

Talent and Leadership Coordinator
I joined the NHS in 2002 firstly working in a Trust then moving to the then Strategic Heath Authority. Over the years I’ve worked in several teams before joining the Leadership Team in 2012 as a Programme Support Co-ordinator and obtained the position of Business Manager in 2013. My current role is the Leadership Development Co-ordinator, working in the Culture, Talent and Leadership Hub.
In an ever changing NHS I enjoy knowing our work is helping NHS staff to develop their knowledge and skills to reach their highest potential and move with the times to make a difference to patient care.
On a personal level I am an avid Aston Villa supporter, and I volunteer for a local Animal Sanctuary rescuing and rehoming mainly dogs, cats and kittens.
Non-urgent advice: Emily Mason

Talent and Leadership Officer
[email protected]I have always had a passion for helping people and service users and stakeholders have always been at the heart of my work.
My first role with NHS England was in July 2020 in the middle of the COVID Pandemic, working in the Midlands Continuing Health Care team arranging and supporting Independent Reviews for patients who had been denied healthcare funding. I then worked in the Midlands Mental Health Clinical Network, supporting projects for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Urgent and Emergency Care.
I joined the Talent, People and Culture Team in February 2024 and I am already enjoying my role supporting the talented people we have working in the Midlands.
Prior to joining NHSE, I worked in Local Government for 20 years as an Administrator for the SureStart programme and my first job was with The Prince’s Trust. As well as admin experience I have a strong background in finance, project management and communication skills.
In my spare time I enjoy, reading, gardening and of course spending time with my family.
Non-urgent advice: Ene Obodumu

Talent and Leadership Administrator
I joined the team as the Business Support Assistant. Prior to this time, I worked as an administrator in the education sector for 6 years and joined Guys and St. Thomas NHS Trust as a Business Support Officer with the neighbourhood nursing team. Last year, I gained valuable experience working part-time as a Customer service Representative in Covid vaccination team.
Outside of work, I spend time cooking varieties, talking with my family and catching up with my friends.
Non-urgent advice: Faizah Mustafa

Talent Deputy Manager
I joined the NHS in 2019, initially in the NHS Supply Chain, then at Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG for a year before joining the Midlands Talent Management Team. Prior to this; I have led on projects at the Local Council and in the charity sector. My background is IT; I graduated in Computer Science with Management, subsequently spending some time working in IT Service Support before becoming a Project Manager. My passion and areas of expertise include Project Management, IT & Digital and Continual Service & Process Improvement.
My role within the Midlands Talent Team involves providing operational leadership and project management support. This involves planning and managing work streams of programmes with appropriate governance and controls in place. These programmes include managing and leading on the Midlands Talent Management Community of Practice, increasing the digital footprint and social engagement of the Midlands Talent Management team and sourcing, procurement and development of data sets and specifications. My work ultimately supports the best use of talent in the Midlands, as well as organisations to develop and implement their own Talent Management strategies and improve capability; enabling local health economies to develop their own best practice.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading inspiring books, keeping active (love HIIT workouts and lifting weights) and hiking. I have developed my passion for cooking and have recently made a healthier version of pizza (my favourite food) from scratch using cauliflower – tasted really good!
Non-urgent advice: Fiona McNamee

Systems Partnership Senior Programme Manager
I am here to support the Midlands Integrated Care Systems and the organisations within them, to be the very best they can be, for their people and patients, from a leadership perspective.
I have worked in the private sector, higher education and have also run my own creative industry business. I joined the NHS in 2009 at the East Midlands Strategic Health Authority, and prior to joining the team I worked at an NHS Trust as Head of Organisational Development.
I feel passionate and privileged to support people to flourish and have a fulfilling career in health and social care. My coaching, MBTI, Mental Health First Aider, Transactional Analysis and organisational development skills help me to do this in a compassionate and inclusive way.
Non-urgent advice: Jaswinder Dhap

Primary Care Senior Manager
I support the development of leadership capacity and capability across primary care in our region. I started this post in November 2022. I have previously worked for the national NHS Leadership Academy Clinical Leadership Development Team. I have extensive experience as a pharmacist in both primary and secondary care. My roles have included working in hospital, community pharmacies, academia and GP surgeries. I am passionate about supporting workforce development and the leadership needs of clinicians and managers.
Non-urgent advice: Karina Kaur

[email protected]
My chapter within NHS England – Midlands, People, Talent and Culture team begins with a leap in 2024. I am happy to utilise my skill set and be of help to the Workforce, Training and Education Directorate. My previous experience in the NHS began in 2015 working in the medical education directorate within psychiatry. This gave me a valuable insight into the facilitation of training, leadership and education dynamics of the NHS.
Prior to starting the EDI role, I studied towards my STEM BSc and had the experience to observe corona virus during the COVID-19 pandemic. This gave me a scientific insight into biological health and a good understanding of patient well-being. I have been involved with many cultural societies and reading clubs and advocated for equality, diversity and inclusion and working like a catalyst to bring people together to make connections and build.
In my personal time I enjoy walks in the countryside. I like to read paperback and I enjoy a good museum or tour!
Non-urgent advice: Kaye Purkis – currently on secondment

Talent and Leadership Coordinator
[email protected]I joined the team in October 2021, when I was warmly welcomed into the world of leadership and talent by my colleagues. I’ve been supported to develop and have recently returned from a two-year secondment in another region. My role currently is to support the senior leadership team from an operational capacity using my project management, team development and organisational skills. I haven’t always worked within the NHS having initially started out in event management in the private sector before joining in 2009, where I started out in a community engagement and development role as part of Sure Start Children’s Services. I then spent five years working for a community trust as a Care Coordinator managing a caseload of adults at risk of an unplanned hospital admission. Followed by a two-year stint working as a manager in General Practice before I found myself in this team thriving in the people space. On a more personal note, I love a good book, spending time with my family and friends, holidays, “nana naps” and long walks in the countryside.
Non-urgent advice: Naomi Porter

Talent and Leadership Deputy Manager
07712 544 708I started the role of Leadership Development Manager in 2020, having had a variety of stops in my career including Art Student, Homelessness officer, Estates Project officer and even a stint in hairdressing. My cumulative experiences have all been driven by a passion to help people and improve their lives in some way, which has been very useful for my work in the Leadership and Lifelong Learning team where we are all about making the NHS somewhere people really enjoy working, that works around their lives and results in better care for patients. I am proud to have contributed to the success of our team during some of the most challenging times both for the NHS and personally throughout the pandemic and look forward to much more exciting opportunities to keep pioneering. Outside of work I love weightlifting and performing aerial hoop and silks as well as illustration and baking.
Non-urgent advice: Peter Swan

Talent and Leadership Coordinator
[email protected]I’ve been working with the NHS since 2018, when I joined Health Education England on a Business Administration Apprenticeship. Since then, I have had the opportunity to develop my skills in business support and project management across a number of functional teams, including Organisational Development, lived experience peer education and clinical mental health workforce training.
I have enjoyed working alongside services and organisations to identify local learning needs and support growth and retention. I’ve also been developing my coaching skills to support teams internally.
Outside of work, I am an experienced dungeon master! I also enjoy keeping in touch with my time living and working in Japan through an ongoing study of the language and, when possible, visiting my old home in Kobe.
Non-urgent advice: Preith Bajwa

[email protected]
I am excited to be part of the Midlands People, Talent and Culture Team, my role is to cultivate our future leaders through strategic planning and collaborative delivery of our programmes across the 11 ICS systems. Such as the Aspiring CEO programme, High Potential Leaders, Systems Leadership, Board Development alongside supporting our strategic stakeholder relationships.
My portfolio has culminated in over 20 years of strategic senior/board roles, specialising in system level workforce transformation, HR and talent management, organisational and leadership development, change management, EDI, alongside fostering community relations and partnerships. My voice has always focused on how we impact the people we serve. I am humbled to have achieved several national awards in various roles: Contribution Towards Excellence; CIPD People Management Award for Change Management; Most Influential BME Individual; HR Distinction Award for Diversity and Inclusion, amongst others.
My board roles included: Primary Care Training Hubs; Director at WMFS, Vice Chair of AFSA, Governor for East Berkshire College and currently as a NED for a global brand. I have supported Board development and governance in my roles including at HEE, London School of Economics and the private sector. I have also been privileged to Chair BSol Training Hub and Derbyshire Hub+. I enjoy making a difference to the lives of others through executive coaching and mentoring – something I’m passionate about!
I like any excuse to enjoy time with family and friends, and to have a get together. I also enjoy kickboxing, running, reading, classical music and all forms of dance.
Non-urgent advice: Racheal Naa Ayele Commodore

Talent and Leadership Administrator
I joined the NHS in 2021 as a patient pathway coordinator at the medical records department team at the Great Ormond Street Hospital working on transitioning paper based medical records and face to face appointments to virtual appointments due to the rise in the COVID disease and to help catch-up with backlogged appointments. I also worked at United Lincolnshire NHS trusts with the Clinical Effectiveness Team which was an absolute pleasure as I gave administrative assistance during audit projects. I have a degree in Sociology and Social work and a master’s degree in Financial Risk. My passion is people. I love to help; I love to simply make a positive impact everywhere I go.
My role within the Midlands Team involves a high-level administrative support in order to find the best talents to fill in high level positions to produce results of exceptional patient care delivery.
In my spare time, I love to write books for children. I have a few written books and one published. I also initiated Tomorrow’s Farmers where I encourage our youngsters on backyard farming. I also have initiated a mother’s group where we have had talks with child development facilitators and religious leaders who encourage women spiritually and about the new changes with their lives and career at large.
Non-urgent advice: Sumiya Khanam – currently on maternity leave

Leadership Administrator
Straight after college I started my apprenticeship in the West Midlands Leadership Academy as a Level 3 Business Admin apprentice in 2015, then secured a permanent position in the team whilst completing my apprenticeship and I have been with the team ever since through the changes over the years.Colleagues who know me well will know that I really enjoy cleaning and organising as I find it very therapeutic. In my spare time I like to spend most of my time with my family and friends, online shopping, watching vlogs, documentaries and reality shows.
Non-urgent advice: Tom Warner

[email protected]
Tom has just worked in the NHS for twelve years and has been working for the last five years in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion after starting his career in project and administrative management.
He recently joined the NHS England Midlands People, Talent and Culture team as Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager where he will be working on supporting continuous system improvement towards the objectives in the Midlands Workforce Race Equality and Inclusion (WREI) Strategy. Before that he worked as Clinical Workforce Equalities Manager for NHS England Midlands leading on development of transformational policy for nursing and midwifery workforce ED&I including the award-winning Midlands Developing Aspirant Leaders Programme.
In 2022 Tom completed the WRES experts programme and has knowledge on best practice in implementing WRES and is aware of the latest evidence in what works in closing the race equality gap.
Tom recently won best ally of the year in the Midlands Inclusivity and Diversity Awards 2023. Tom also represented NHS England Midlands at the King’s Garden Party in 2023 after being nominated for multiple NHS England Valuing Individual Performance awards for his work promoting equality, diversity and inclusion across the region.
Non-urgent advice: Wendy Walker

Positive Actions Programmes Inclusion Coordinator
07786 702 732
I have been with the NHS since 2003 with an improvement background in a variety of business, administrative and training roles. During this time, I have covered areas such as event management, finance, programme and project management and support, estates, HR, marketing, and supervision, along with training of administrative staff.
Prior to this, along with other administrative roles, I have worked on a cruise ship as a programme co-ordinator visiting over 46 countries and have trained and worked as a volunteer counsellor for a national charity.
As the Positive Action Inclusion Co-ordinator for the Midlands Leadership and Lifelong Learning team my goal is to promote inclusion in everything we do and raise awareness of issues and celebrate the successes that diversity can bring.
Non-urgent advice: Yvonne Walker

Talent and Leadership Manager
07823 665 087
I joined the NHS in 2014 on a six week contract – and never left! I come from a 20 year background in the private sector and have a background in finance and analytics, business management and operation, people, project, office and event management.
I enjoy the challenging and ever changing environment of the NHS and look forward to continuing working in the NHS England – Midlands, People, Talent and Culture team to build on my existing skills, work within a fast paced environment and give something back to the NHS. I also complete project management services around finance and procurement for the messenger Review Implementation Team who I have been working with since October 2022.
Away from work I enjoy spending time with family and friends and travelling; I also enjoy watching football, playing darts and scuba diving – but not all at the same time!